Create an account

In order to use iCreate's system, you need to sign-up and become a register user, without package you can can still try our editor and create campaign but you would not be able to publish it or export the files.

so what are you waiting for? Sign-up now.


Create your new account

At the 'Log-in' page, click on 'Create an account'.
this will redirect you the the Sign-up page.

at the Sign-up page - fill in your details and click on thesign-up-button button.

a confirmation email will be sent to the email you provided, check your email for an ICreate confirmation email, you should see this in it:

click the 'link', this will take you back to the Sign-in page.
enter your email and password and click login_button

Dashboard overview :

So... Welcome to Icreate.

Now we going to start a step-by-step tutorial through our product features and the way to use it.

To the right you can see an overview of the dashboard, this is how it should look on your web browser.

Here you can see the statistics of all the campaign such as:

  • Leads
  • Visits
  • Visitors
  • Conversion rate
  • and more...